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Last Updated:
March 03, 2002 |
September 13, 2001:
All photos by Alex Marx
All are Copyright © 2001 by Alex Marx |
These are the photographs from 9.13.01.

9:41 PM
We added the flags for this trip, not as camouflage,
but because we really cared.

10:21 PM Greenwich Street
These two were local residents. We met them at one of
the food and drink stations.

10:31 PM The North Bridge Over West St,
This bridge ran over West Street from the North
Tower to the World Financial Center. This was shown a lot on
television. If you look closely at the background you can see the
ghosts of the towers.

10:31 PM From West Street near Vesey St.
These are the remains of 6 World Trade Center.
This was our first real close up of the devastation. It speaks for

10:33 6 WTC. West Street and Vesey Street.
On the left you can see the remains of 7 WTC which
collapsed late in the afternoon of 9.11. Notice how there are
still Venitian Blinds in some of the windows of 6 WTC. This
building was struck by both the collapse of tower 1 and 7 WTC.

10:33 PM 6 WTC from Vesey and West Streets
Another shot of the damage. Notice how much
equipment and personnel are already on the job.

10:45 PM Ground Zero. West and Liberty Streets
The only solid remains of the Marriott
(formerly Vista) Hotel is in the foreground. The skeletal remains
of the south tower, #2 WTC, is in the back. Right after I took
this picture a policeman warned me that he would confiscate the
camera if I took another picture. The night before, everyone,
including the police were taking pictures. If only I had a camera
I cannot ever find the words to describe this

10:57 PM West and Liberty Streets
Click the photo for a larger version.
Warning: it's large and may take awhile to download
These are the "spears" that fell from the
towers embedded into the ground. The remains of Tower 1 are in the
background. The "pile" smolders in the near-ground. Also in the
far background you can see the hulk of 6 WTC and the taller
Verizon building which has major damage on it's hidden eastern
The day before on 9.12 there was only space for
one flatbed truck. 24 hours later they were able to get 3 trucks
in. I asked another policeman if I could take a photograph. He
said he didn't see a problem. No sooner then I had snapped it then
another policeman came running over to find out what I was doing.
The first officer defended me, but we all agreed to no other
photographs at Ground Zero.

11:18 PM Washington Street
Me. Not very flattering. But I think the expression on
my face reflects what we've seen.

11:20 PM. Warren and Washington Streets
This car had been lightly dusted during the
collapse. We had seen much, much worse. A local bar/restaurant was
on this corner and open. The locals had prepared a "pot-luck"
dinner for the taking.
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